Looks like the baby moose found his mama. The last few days in Anchorage have been beautiful and I've enjoyed the sun and colors of fall. Being back in Alaska since my adventure east seeing my family has been telling. I went to Portland, Oregon, New Jersey and New York. When I got off the plane at the Ted Stevens Airport in the wee hours, I smelled the fresh air and knew again how wonderful Alaska is. I've felt heart ache and pain here, but I've never felt more alive and connected with my true self. I don't know what will happen or exactly how I'll make my way, but I continue to trust it shall be revealed.
hey robin!
its troy from new seasons! I like your blog! I am heading to the east coast at the end of the month...i have never seen new york, and i thought it would be a goodtime to see it finally...especially in fall...i have always wanted to walk around in a jacket there in the fall time. I am road tripping back to my home in colorado through montana and wyoming...two other places i have never been but have always wanted to see!!! I will talk to you later!
t r o y
Troy! So happy to hear from you. Have a wonderful journey and stay in touch. Your new friend, Robin Rosemond
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