As this amazing year winds down, I continue to give thanks. Even if I don't understand what's happening, I go forward and know it will be revealed. My heart is the leader in this transition, and it has far to go to. Sometimes I have flashes of contentment, and appreciation for where things are this very moment. Thank you and may those moments grow in to hours, and hours in to days. I ask for guidance and protection. Oh love, it's beautiful.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
November End 2008
As this amazing year winds down, I continue to give thanks. Even if I don't understand what's happening, I go forward and know it will be revealed. My heart is the leader in this transition, and it has far to go to. Sometimes I have flashes of contentment, and appreciation for where things are this very moment. Thank you and may those moments grow in to hours, and hours in to days. I ask for guidance and protection. Oh love, it's beautiful.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Giving Thanks
Sometimes I don't feel that great. That's when I give it up to the universe. I let go and know that if I keep going, I'll get sick or do something dumb. When I need to rest, I rest. As a volunteer, you do what you can and then you speak the truth, and say what your limits are. In that, there is no bad choice. You can only do what you can do. I can't do it all. I want to lie down, so I will. I want to thank all the folks who have been so kind to me this year. It was a big one, and it took many listeners and loving friends to get me through these days. The image is of Shyanne Beatty and myself at the KNBA Studios. Thank you!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Happiness and Gratitude
What a splendid, Spiritual Sunday. I woke up laughing from last night. I stayed up in to the wee hours and talked on Skype with Sara. We have fun and amuse ourselves endlessly. We use Garage Band and record our own songs now. I finally learned how to upload videos. I'm a girl gone wild with technology. I want to sing, dance, and play for the rest of my life. I will also work, build, create, and be responsible. It's magical times like this that I wish would never end. I'm simply happy and grateful that I'm feeling like I'm healing.
Friday, November 21, 2008
New Days
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Time Marches On
The week began with a bang. It's continually unfolding here in AK. The days grow shorter and shorter, but we continue to work. Life goes on in the dark. I don't mind for some reason. I find that I get things accomplished. I'm sending Chapter 9 off to Iris. The end of the first draft is coming. I wonder how I can be nostalgic about this story before it's even finished? I will take some time to paint, work and play after getting completed on this stage of the novel. I can write whatever I want. That's fun. I have drawn some lines in the sand. I hope I don't cross them. The year comes to a close. My blog is eleven months old. I remember what this time last year was like. Gosh, it's been the wildest ride of my life. I can see how much I've grown. I don't believe that would've come to pass if I hadn't decided to move to Alaska. I know I go on and on about AK, but until you've been here, I don't think people have any idea how big, beautiful and mystical it is. Although I cry every day, I'm happy.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday Satisfaction

I'm happy to be here. AK is alive with possibilities. I connect with some of the craziest stuff. Strange, beautiful, wondrous and very, very beautiful. I listen to the music of the people. I'm in love with Jr., the drummer for the Whip Saws. He's the man. What a striking person. He's like a rocking ship that guides the band through unchartered waves of excellent rhythm. This hot, country, rock band, is one of the favorites of my life. I get to see them live, and in person. Indian, Alaska and the Brown Bear, are two of the finest things about being in the Great Land. The drive south to Indian, is spectacular. The town sits next to Turnagain Arm, and is so tiny, you could easily pass it without noticing the Liquor Store and bar that sit back a ways off the Seward Highway. The setting is out of this world, even at night. The Brown Bear has a long bar, a pool table that they religiously cover when the music starts, wooden floors, signed dollar bills tacked up everywhere, and a worn, family feel. It has all the charm of an embracing, historical, hang out. Much like a club house, or rumpus room, it's fun and full of wildness, Alaska style. I may journey there again tonight. I'm a Grand Ma. I can do what I want.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
Snow blankets the city of Anchorage. We're snuggled in and finding ways to be creative in the winter conditions. I feel excited about the future. Im seeing the progress I've made and although this is not the most temperate climate to call home, I feel wonderful about moving here to Alaska. When I'm away from the Great Land, I miss it. I have my process, rituals, sacred sessions of meditation, prayer and complete faith. It's such a beautiful time in my life. I'm finally feeling better and I want to stay this way. I must not wake the sleeping dogs. Shhhhhhh.
Monday, November 10, 2008
I'm Gonna Wait Right Here For The Next Big Thing
I'm a Cellar Dweller, but not for long. My new digs will have some light and I'll sleep on the 2nd Floor. It's going to be tight quarters, but it'll be the best winter of my life. I know now. It's becoming clear. I still cry like a baby, but only because I'm human and tears feel like a cleansing when they fall. I reach out with love. I know it's not all received in the best way sometimes, but it's not for me to say. I just continue to love and feel embraced by this incredible community of characters.
Today is flat blue with smears of clouds. The image is my moose friend baby, who's getting a thick layer of fur since I saw him last. Our new home is near the park, but I'm not sure it's moose country. I've seen them in the oddest places, so nothing would surprise me. I will miss living near Saturn on the Coast Trail, but I will find a whole new neighborhood to discover.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Rocks Change
The image is rocks. They're beautiful, planted, hard, colorful, quiet, patient, hot, cold, flat and pointy.
I wake today and know I begin fresh.
I'm fortunate to be able to write. I'm aware of a natural, flowing push to complete this novel that's important to me. I tell the story of a woman who transitions form the Performing Arts to the Healing Arts. The kicker is she believes it's her idea and that she's in control about the change. The story weaves a trail of adventure, romance, and spiritual awakening that can't be controlled by anything but fate. When real life transforms to magic, our heroine is forced to let go.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Soft Landing
I knew that this time was going to be a challenge, but I had no idea it was going to be a non-stop battle. Yes, it's what it is. I'm relishing the remainder of the Autumn in my images, because it's already blankets of snow here in AK. We have to move from our palatial digs. The house may sell any minute. There're two possible buyers. I had a distinct premonition that I would be moving again. I begin another transition and I'll learn even more about what I'm made of. I should say, "Bring it on!" I know in my heart that I will rise to the times and I can only grow through this adventure. Keep on writing!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Last Leg To Anchorage
I'm just about to get on board to Anchorage. I'm feeling like I did a lot of closure this trip. I went through many of my piles of old crap and diminished them. I made peace with my brother Peter. I'm ready to go back to the Arctic and finish my novel. I can do this now. I'm ready for the rest of my healing. I think this may be the best holiday season I've had in many years. Thank you Universe! I hear the jets. I see the lights. Love is in the air!
Healing Heart
New York City is one of the greatest places on Earth. I will always travel there and I will always remember my heritage, history and life story in vivid, living color. We flew across the country as the pilot updated us on the Electoral Votes and Senate races. We left Newark not knowing any results. We landed in Portland with President Elect Obama giving his speech and passengers stopping and listening to his words from a monitor that sounded melodious compared to what we've been listening to for so long. The mood at the airport was festive. Hickory called me from Brooklyn to say that hundreds of people were on Bedford and 7th celebrating the great news. I've learned many things on this leg of my Alaska adventure. I now head slowly back to Anchorage, covering my tracks as I go. My work is cut out for me. I know this is the challenge of my life. There's no going back, and I wouldn't want to. Life is such a blessing and I'm healing.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day
I'm exhausted. It's been a beautiful adventure. I'm ready to go back to Alaska. I don't know exactly what's in store, but I will trust because it's the way. This image is the marathon in Brooklyn. I just got this one shot of Tai. He's far back on the right. It was happening so fast. I couldn't keep up. I just snapped away and got what I could. The whole world seems connected today and I believe that the change will be good for this country no matter what. We fly to Portland tonight. It's just one, big, wild, ride. Love, love, love.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
November Jitters
I voted in Oregon. Dear America, please do the right thing. I saw all the Hope posters and stickers plastered on the walls and doorways of New York City. It's exciting, but everyone has the jitters. We fly back to Oregon on Election Day. It should be quite a ride. I want to wax poetic about the times, but mostly I just experience it. I'm looking forward to going back to Alaska. I'm not sure what it's all about, but I know I made the right choice. I love my family!
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