I feel like a layer has been shed. I celebrate the progress. "Let go" is my mantra. Every time I go to what ails me, and holds me back, I inhale and say, "Let ". Then I exhale and say, "Go". That's what my teacher told me to do, and I find it helps me when those moments come. I feel blessed and cradled in a supportive environment. Not everyone responds to me with kindness, but many do, and I'm grateful. The days seem peaceful. I can't be sure, but I believe I'm getting better. My heart is mending. My spirit feels whole, centered, and happily within me. It doesn't stay that way. I mean, I still have the day to day crisis, but I seem to react calmly. In the past, I've been known to react defensively. But that is over, and I'm pleased in the moment. Right now, contentment.