My second week in Portland and I know it's time for me to move on. I'll always love this town, but I look forward to learning about new places. I checked out Lincoln City and Gleneden Beach a few days ago. It's a wonderful part of the Oregon Coast, but I wouldn't want to live there. In Portland, I had a wild allergic reaction to all the blooming trees and flowers. A sinus infection insued and I was down for days with pain. I couldn't breath for several days and I had to get help in the form of antibiotics and pain killers. I'm on the mend now, but allertgies is another reason I don't need to stay here in P-town. It's not all bad though, I've had wonderful conversations about politics and the times. Osama was here and the town showed up. I'm grateful that I can breath. I'm happy to be doing yoga with James Grant,and I feel closure in certain aspects of my life here that are sad. You can never go back, so forward I go.
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